The tricks and tips of a WAHM

First off, let me start by saying that I don't have all of the tricks and tips of a work at home mom.  I am a WAHM but still feel like each and every day I am ready to pull my hair out, and that's just by 8am. By 9am I am ready for a nap and once lunch time comes around, I would love nothing more then to take a nice bubble bath with enough candles lit around me to cover a regulation size football field.  But, rest assure that I pull myself together and make life as pleasing as possible for my little bundle of joy, and my business.  I am the owner and founder of VIP Consulting, LLC which is a marketing company specializing in web design, graphic design and social media.  I also am the owner and founder of Wedding Gloss which is a wedding vendor website.  Once Maeberry was born, I knew that I wanted nothing more than to be a "WAHM", so I did whatever I needed to do to ensure that my plan would happen all while being financially successful for our new family of 3.  HA!  Well, maybe my plan didn't happen exactly how I had envisioned it, but we still find a way to make everything work.

Usually, Maeberry wakes up by 7am.  After changing and a few minutes of wake-up snuggle time, it's into her highchair for breakfast while mommy makes the coffee.  We sing, read books, run around, play games, learn lots and cuddle some more.   Once she is ready for nap time #1 (yes, she is still taking 2 naps at 18 months old - don't judge), it's time for mommy's nap time -- I mean work time.  I run into my office and start with emails, phone calls, design work and any deadlines that I have to get done.  All of a sudden, M's nap time is over and its back to eating (lunch time and coffee time for mommy), playing, learning, reading, singing, running around and making a mess (what kid doesn't make a mess?!?!).  After a short snack and some much needed cuddle time while reading, nap time #2 (again, don't judge) happens.  Once again, I am running, but this time to pick up messes, maybe do some laundry (IF and ONLY IF I have had plenty of coffee and a good nights rest), dishes, dusting, sweeping, etc.  I have become a marathon cleaner but mainly just so things look clean.  The real moping, etc comes on the weekends and sometimes in the evenings.  I just like things to look as organized as a house with an 18 month old can.  You get the point.  Then, run again (see where my work outs come into play?) to the office and back to work.  Usually by the time I sit on the chair in front of my computer in the office after cleaning time during nap #2, M is all done napping and it's back to playing and teaching her cool things about the world that we live in.  Sometimes I get about 5 minutes in before she wakes up.  In the evenings after hubby gets home from a long day at work, we have family time (dinner, playing, making messes, teaching, ready, bath time, more reading time, etc) before M goes to bed for the night.  Once her head lays on the mattress in her crib, I'm off running again to pick up (with hubby's help - he's a great guy!!) and then back to work.  I usually work until at least 10pm and then try to unwind within minutes so I can try to go to sleep.  But, this never works so I'm usually up until at least midnight.

All in all, we (hubby and I) feel that M is very advanced for her age (what parent doesn't?!?!) and we know that she has a fun-filled day while learning, playing and reading.  I always meet my deadlines for work and mainly work with clients who understand that being a mommy is my #1 priority, but working for them is a close runner up.  Honestly, I take my job as a mommy and a marketing consultant very seriously and would not be a WAHM if I didn't feel that I could do it.  Working for me is a hobby and is my 'outlet' from other things.

My number 1 trick & tip is to LOVE WHAT YOU DO and ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS put your family first!  I love everything about my job and my company and know that I wouldn't be a great mommy without having my outlet on the side, of which I call 'work'.  Also, having a fabulous support system around you is also a huge plus!  Without my hubby, parents, family and friends, I would be lost in this journey of being a WAHM.

Time for some coffee...


  1. Bravo to you for wearing so many hats and doing it well. I do just about the same (including being a web designer) though I've made it to the point where my Dudette is 4 now and in preschool.

    Coffee does help a lot, doesn't it!

  2. The Mom Chef,

    Thank you so much for commenting on this post. Ohhh... another web designer! I love to meet other web designers!! What's your website?
