Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree

So we went to cut down our Christmas tree with Maeberry and it was a huge success....  Well, that was a couple of weeks ago now.  It was success on that one day of being in the Christmas spirit.  Now, as our decorations are still sitting in the garage, the Peanut Butter Balls that I made are mainly gone (they are now on my thighs, hips and ass), the outside decorations are still not plugged in, the shopping is not even close to being done (we actually have only purchased 2 items), and the "gotta get our house perfect for when the same people who come here all the time to visit" list is not done (we have not even crossed off one thing and don't plan on it at this point).

Ho Hum...

We had a chimney company over today to replace the liner in our... well, chimney! Since we recently switched to natural gas, I guess that 'has' to be done.  Whatever.  But, hearing someone on the roof while Maeberry was eating breakfast was about as close as my inner sparkling Christmas spirit for my child has come.  I can totally seeing getting more in the Christmas spirit while I'm out shopping with crazy, stressed-out, over-tired and moody people (aka: ME!) during the weekend before Christmas.  Super!  Oh, and don't forget the grocery shopping, the cleaning, the baking (and eating), the setting up, the phone calls of "what was I supposed to bring?", the wrapping, the drama that you KNOW is going to happen within days before Christmas, blah, blah, blah...  However (and yes, now for the mushy stuff), it is all because I LOVE my family and I can not WAIT for the look on Maeberry's face when she walks into the living room on Christmas morning. 

I just need to keep reminding myself of this while I voyage out into loonyville over the next few days...

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